How do I get a fuller beard?

Dear bearded men, are you wondering how to maintain your beard and your look? While the big beard has made a comeback in recent years, not all men face the same hair problems: hair is something to be worked on! If you're dreaming of a beard worthy of the most hipster and grunge looks, here are the best tips from Barbier Bonhomme, your barber shop in Paris and Nantes.


What you need to know about a real man's beard


What is beard hair? Why are they lighter or darker than our hair? Why don't they all grow at the same speed? To tame your men's beard, it's essential to review the basics and know how to use the right products for your beard


The importance of genetics for a thick beard


Nature's way: some bearded men are lucky enough to grow a big beard in just a few weeks, while others will see their beard hair stagnate, if not fall out. There's nothing you can do about it: your genetic heritage is responsible for everything that characterizes your beard hair: its length, color, growth speed, thickness, etc. There's only one thing you can do to remedy the situation. One thing you can do about it: accept regular beard maintenance to unleash its full potential. Our grandmother Bonhomme will confirm this in this article !


Pay attention to your lifestyle


Above all, beard care is a whole new way of handling your beard trimmer. Your barber shop in Paris will always tell you: the silkiest beards are above all beards on a healthy body, groomed every day. 


There are several key points to your healthy lifestyle Bonhomme


  • Your diet, of course: eating a healthy, varied diet provides all your beard hairs with the nutrients, vitamins and proteins they need to grow strong. By eating healthily, you increase your chances of getting a big beard faster! ; 
  •  For your man-beard, don't forget that sleep is essential. It gives your skin, hidden by beard hair, the energy it needs to renew itself;
  • Don't forget that regular exercise is the perfect way to flush fat and toxins from your body, leaving only the best for you. It's also a good way to regulate your blood circulation, and increase hormone production for faster growth of your man-beard. Don't forget to hydrate regularly to eliminate toxins before, during and after your session!


Beard care: the basics


The big beard is taking over every face: it's a trend that some men just can't keep up with. If you follow a healthy lifestyle, it's always a good idea to take good care of your beard to keep it soft and shiny. 


Beard trimming: expectations & reality


It's always a good idea to get the timing right with your beard trimmer before moving on to the important step of beard trimming. Gentlemen, it's probably good to remind you that a beard doesn't grow back any faster after being shaved with your favorite beard trimmer! This myth stems from the fact that beards grow back the same evening (to find out more about all the beard myths, click here !). But hair always grows back after it's been cut: you'll never get a big beard if you start shaving too often. So you can put away your beard trimmer. 


Beard gas pedals: real?


Of all the beard care products on the market, we recommend beard oils, especially castor beard oil. Castor oil is perfect for deeply nourishing your beard without making it greasy. Castor beard oil's thick, sticky, translucent serum structure is linked to its high vitamin E, mineral and fatty acid content, and promotes skin microcirculation. Your every-morning ally for your men's beard!


Make-up: an often overlooked asset


If you want to flesh out your beard when it's in the process of becoming a big beard, but you see that some beard holes are too present, we recommend that you always opt for make-up. Yes, even men can now get into make-up to fill in their beard gaps with a few strokes of pencil here and there, to give the impression that you've got a fuller man-beard than you actually do.